Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1, 2008

Building Has Begun
As if adopting a child from a foreign country isn't stressful enough...We are also in the process of selling our home and building a new one. I went to our lot this weekend and took pictures of the lot before the excavator knocked down the trees. I'm glad I took the pictures on Saturday, because the trees started coming down Sunday morning. Marc and Max went out to buy a new chain saw this weekend. Apparently they got a "professional" chainsaw (Think Tim the Toolman Taylor, "Rrrr Rrrr.") Marc's plan is is to chop up all the trees so that they can be carted off for firewood. It seemed like a good idea, but some of these trees are mammoth. So, we are managing to keep ourselves busy as we wait for our referral.

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